Congratulations, it’s a Silver Award for Wild Oats Natural Foods!

Wild Oats Natural Foods have been awarded the Silver for Independent Retailer of the Year, by the British Independent Retailers Association.

With around 1000 members applying for the award from across the UK, the team at Wild Oats faced tough competition to achieve such a prestigious award. The annual conference and awards ceremony held in Jury’s Inn, Leicestershire showcased the very best talent in the retail industry.

Mike Abrahams Director & Founder, reacted to the news saying “this is an acknowledgement that having an ethical and people centred business can be both profitable and successful.”

Wild Oats has been educating the public on the benefits of healthy eating and lifestyle since it was founded in 1981. Very much ahead of its time, the extremely knowledgeable staff is the driving force behind its success.

From exceptional knowledge in supplementation & healthy eating, to enabling customers to save plastic waste through the extensive refill stations and the bulk self-service bins the business is leading the way for wellness in both people and planet.

At Mdina we are very passionate about developing individuals and teams to fulfil their potential, we have been working with Wild Oats Natural Foods for the last three years, building leadership skills across the whole organisation through coaching and training.

Mike, Director and Founder at Wild Oats, agrees that this process has been highly beneficial and helped them progress more swiftly towards their goals:

“Reviewing my thoughts and aspirations in a bigger context has enabled me to highlight ways and means of moving forward to achieve my goals. Through Mdina’s expert approach you have enabled me to see the importance of working on the business rather than in the business, this has got me to a position I would not otherwise have reached”.

Want to develop your people like Mike? Contact Hazel Miller at .